You Got A Problem With That?

Good morning everyone, this is Rose here. As you can see, I have changed my blog around. It was time for a little housekeeping and I like the new look. It’s more me, but not all of me yet.

Last night was good; when we came home, I got on the computer and did all these changes, wrote a poem and called Madd. Her post yesterday was very good as it addressed the issue of why people feel the need to tell others how to live. I know that we aren’t doing it right. I am supposed to take over completely so that Brian has amnesia. We aren’t supposed to be able to talk to each other.

Well, guess what, we went through that in childhood. Years and years of memories are missing. I was missing, Brian was missing. Little Brian split off first followed by Pit Bull. Bernard grew up with Brian and they swapped back and forth for years. I don’t know where I was, just a *feminine* voice that liked fashion and glamour.

We live in our brain, no one else, so therefore, what we do is nobody else’s business.

So, today’s question is….

“What do you think is the most urgent problem facing the world today?”



Face Time

Good morning, this is Rose here. Hope you remembered to set the clocks forward an hour. Wouldn’t want to be late for work on a Monday.


I had a good weekend, lots of comments on my Sunday Scribblings post. Thank you. 🙂 And I also got to call a couple of friends and ask them for some advice. We have been frustrated lately about face time.

Face time is when an other gets to be up front, and Brian gets to go away. Problem is, that he is too strong and doesn’t trust us enough to let go. Not only that, but none of us are around all that much so he has privacy in his day to day activities. But when I am at or near the front, he is hovering. Partly by choice, but partly because he doesn’t have anywhere else to go.

The advice I got was to take it slow, there is no hurry and Lana said that face time wasn’t all that great sometimes. The issue for me is that I blog mostly while Brian is at work, so he has to be around. We share the keyboard and the computer and he has to be ready to pop back out when needed.

This post is a perfect example, it’s taken 45 minutes to write because of him having to work. It’s frustrating for us both because Brian wants to give me time and space to write and at home there is always something he needs to do. We’ll work it out, it’s just going to take time. We are both impatient people. 😛



The Dream is Real

Hi everyone, this is Rose here and I am trying something new this weekend. I am going to, am writing for Sunday Scribblings. It’s like Poetry Thursday, but different. 😀 Anyway, this weeks prompt is Dream Journey.

I dream that I am real. A real woman in her own body. I’ve been at press conferences, book tours and lawyers offices. I dream of ways to be *legal*, to have an identity. Ah, the trials of being a multiple. Still, I shouldn’t complain, I’ve got a good life. Lots of friends and family.

I dream that I am real. Walking on a tropical beach with an exotic drink in one hand, and the other in the hand of my lover. He’s tall, but gentle, intelligent but kind; he’s firm in all the right places. My dreams keep me going, they focus my thoughts. My dreams are why I write.

Is it too much to ask?
she wonders
the mirror reflects
a strangers smile

Is it too much to ask?
she ponders
the hands grasp
a strangers arms

Is it too much to ask!
she flounders
the tears fall
a strangers kiss

It is too much to ask!
she founders
the dream ends
a strangers face

